You deserve to enjoy food.
You deserve to enjoy exercise.
You deserve to have a life that doesn't revolve around those two things.
Healthy looks different for EVERYONE so let’s focus on number one (you!)
As a girl who was trapped in the diet culture world for too long, I am here to help you be your happiest and healthiest self. Imagine a world where we were introduced to nutrition as a route to longevity, being nourished and feeling our best. Rather than just a way of becoming "smaller"...A crazy thought I know!!
My goal is to help and educate as many people as I can on the FACTS, the SCIENCE around health and wellness and say goodbye to the nonsense!
My mission is to help you feel less alone, help you find that freedom and guide you to being the BEST VERSION OF YOU. You deserve to be at peace with food and your body. I know I can help you get there, so… welcome to the family <3
Your life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured.
I´m Emily, a registered nutritionist on a mission to help as many people as I can find the BEST version of themselves and heal their relationship with food.
After completing my undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences I knew immediately what route to take next. I went on to complete a master’s program at UCL, Eating Disorders and Clinical Nutrition with a research project on “The Consequences of Low Energy Availability on the Female Hormone Network and Subsequent Health Outcomes”
Having struggled with my own journey towards a healthy relationship with food and exercise, I understand the challenges, the pressure and the guilt that many individuals face. My personal experience has driven me to pursue a career in nutrition and female health, where I aim to provide the guidance and support needed to create long-lasting change in people's lives.